The Virtue of Jumuah

Jumu’ah (Friday) is considered holy by Muslims. In a Hadith Al-Sharif it states: The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday. Hazrat Adam was made on Friday, on it he was granted access to Paradise and on it he was taken out from therein. The Hour will not be established but on Friday.”

As Muslims treat Friday as an Eid, they should take extra care about their cleanliness. Henceforth, taking Ghusl before Jumuah Salah, applying ouds and wearing clean clothes are from the Sunnah and Adab.

On this blessed day, Muslims congregate in the mosques, listen to the Khutbah, pray their Salah and make Dua collectively offering their needs to the Divine. As such, they can form a social connection and Islamic brotherhood. After performing Salah, they continue with their Ibadat, visiting their friends or relatives, trading or performing other activities. 

Up until the caliphate of Hazrat Uthman (ra), Adhan was only announced when the khatib was climbing the minbar. Starting from the ascendency of Hadhrat Uthman Radhiyallahu Anhu, due to the rising number of Muslims, a second Adhan out of the masajid was then called to notify people for the beginning of the time, which was called “exterior Adhan”.
On balance, Muslims should appreciate every propitious moment of Fridays, engage in Ibadat (prayers) and other permissible daily acts rather than wasting their time. 

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