Night of Mawlid is the night which our Prophet (pbuh) privileged the entire universe with his arrival. This event occurred on the 12th night of Rabi’ al Awwal on a Monday. Therefore, the 12th night of Rabi’al Awwal is a sacred night in the Hijri Calendar.
During this month, Muslims should try to recite Salawat Sharifah as much as possible, especially Salat Al-Nariyah, Salat Al-Munjiyyah or Salat Al-Fathiyyah. To attain benefit from the blessings on this holy night, one should pray Tasbih Salah and perform Khatim Al-Anbiya.
The intention for Tasbih Salah on this night should be as follows: “O Allah! I intend to perform Tasbih Salah for your sake only. O Allah, in honour of your bellowed whom you sent to enlighten the world, the crown of our heads, Our Prophet (pbuh), exonerate my sins and grant me your blessings. Allahu Akbar.” (Duas and Ibadahs, Fazilet Publishing)