He is the first free man to proclaim his faith after Our Prophet (pbuh) began spreading the message of Islam; he is the first of the Ashara Mubashara and the first of the rightly-guided caliphs.

His name was initially Abdul-Kaaba. Following the arrival of Islam, Our Prophet (pbuh) selected Abdullah as his name. His patronym is Abu Bakr. He is famous with the sobriquets of as-Siddiq, al-Atiq and Jamiul Quran. The most famous being as-Siddiq.

Abu Bakr as-Siddiq allowed all the verses of the Quran to be collected by a commission under the stewardship of Zayd bin Sabit. When Abu Bakr (ra) picked up an illness in Medina post-migration in the month of Jumada al-thani, 13 H., he asked Omar to lead the prayer. After discussion with the Companions, he said he thought Hazrat Omar was appropriate for caliphate.

He passed aged sixty-three just like Our Prophet whom he loved dearly. Based on his will, he was buried next to the Prophet at shoulder level.

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