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He is the first free man to proclaim his faith after Our Prophet (pbuh) began spreading the message of Islam; he is the first of the Ashara Mubashara and the first of the rightly-guided caliphs.
His name was initially Abdul-Kaaba. Following the arrival of Islam, Our Prophet (pbuh) selected Abdullah as his name. His patronym is Abu Bakr. He is famous with the sobriquets of as-Siddiq, al-Atiq and Jamiul Quran. The most famous being as-Siddiq.
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq allowed all the verses of the Quran to be collected by a commission under the stewardship of Zayd bin Sabit. When Abu Bakr (ra) picked up an illness in Medina post-migration in the month of Jumada al-thani, 13 H., he asked Omar to lead the prayer. After discussion with the Companions, he said he thought Hazrat Omar was appropriate for caliphate.
He passed aged sixty-three just like Our Prophet whom he loved dearly. Based on his will, he was buried next to the Prophet at shoulder level.
Hong Kong Islamic Culture and Welfare Society (ICWS) is registered as a charitable and non-profit organisation which was founded in 2009 by the Muslim Community in Hong Kong. The organisation now has members, donors and students from Muslim communities of numerous nations.
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